Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
alloc_cuda_tdsops | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
alloc_omp_tdsops | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
allocate_tdsops | m_solver | Subroutine | |
allocator_init | m_allocator | Function | |
allocator_t | m_allocator | Interface | |
axpby | m_cuda_kernels_fieldops | Subroutine | |
base_init | m_base_backend | Subroutine | |
base_init | m_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
boundary_conditions_generic | m_case_generic | Subroutine | |
boundary_conditions_tgv | m_case_tgv | Subroutine | |
buffer_copy | m_cuda_kernels_fieldops | Subroutine | |
case_generic_init | m_case_generic | Function | |
case_generic_t | m_case_generic | Interface | |
case_init | m_base_case | Subroutine | |
case_tgv_init | m_case_tgv | Function | |
case_tgv_t | m_case_tgv | Interface | |
compute_padded_dims | m_allocator | Subroutine | |
copy_data_to_f_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
copy_data_to_f_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
copy_f_to_data_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
copy_f_to_data_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
copy_into_buffers | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
copy_into_buffers | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
create_block | m_allocator | Function | Allocate memory for a new block and return a pointer to a new m_allocator object. |
create_cuda_block | m_cuda_allocator | Function | |
cuda_allocator_init | m_cuda_allocator | Function | |
cuda_allocator_t | m_cuda_allocator | Interface | |
cuda_backend_t | m_cuda_backend | Interface | |
cuda_field_init | m_cuda_allocator | Function | |
cuda_field_t | m_cuda_allocator | Interface | |
cuda_poisson_fft_t | m_cuda_poisson_fft | Interface | |
cuda_tdsops_init | m_cuda_tdsops | Function | Constructor function for the cuda_tdsops_t class. See tdsops_t for details. |
cuda_tdsops_t | m_cuda_tdsops | Interface | |
curl | m_vector_calculus | Subroutine | Curl of a vector field (u, v, w). |
curl | m_solver | Subroutine | Wrapper for curl |
der_univ_dist | m_cuda_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
der_univ_dist | m_omp_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
der_univ_fused_subs | m_omp_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
der_univ_subs | m_cuda_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
der_univ_subs | m_omp_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
der_univ_thom | m_cuda_kernels_thom | Subroutine | |
der_univ_thom_per | m_cuda_kernels_thom | Subroutine | |
deriv_1st | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
deriv_2nd | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
destroy | m_allocator | Subroutine | Go through the block list from head to tail, deallocating each memory block in turn. Deallocation of a m_allocator object automatically deallocates its internal allocatable data array. |
divergence_v2c | m_vector_calculus | Subroutine | Divergence of a vector field (u, v, w). |
divergence_v2p | m_solver | Subroutine | Wrapper for divergence_v2p |
domain_decomposition | m_mesh | Subroutine | Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D domain decomposition. |
exec_dist_tds_compact | m_cuda_exec_dist | Subroutine | |
exec_dist_tds_compact | m_omp_exec_dist | Subroutine | |
exec_dist_transeq_3fused | m_cuda_exec_dist | Subroutine | |
exec_dist_transeq_compact | m_omp_exec_dist | Subroutine | |
exec_thom_tds_compact | m_cuda_exec_thom | Subroutine | |
fft_backward_cuda | m_cuda_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
fft_backward_omp | m_omp_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
fft_forward_cuda | m_cuda_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
fft_forward_omp | m_omp_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
fft_postprocess_cuda | m_cuda_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
fft_postprocess_omp | m_omp_poisson_fft | Subroutine | |
field_init | m_field | Function | |
field_scale | m_cuda_kernels_fieldops | Subroutine | |
field_scale_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
field_scale_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
field_shift | m_cuda_kernels_fieldops | Subroutine | |
field_shift_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
field_shift_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
field_t | m_field | Interface | |
fill | m_field | Subroutine | |
fill_cuda | m_cuda_allocator | Subroutine | |
finalize | m_time_integrator | Subroutine | |
forcings_generic | m_case_generic | Subroutine | |
forcings_tgv | m_case_tgv | Subroutine | |
get_block | m_allocator | Function | Return a pointer to the first available memory block, i.e. the current head of the block list. If the list is empty, allocate a new block with create_block first. |
get_block_ids | m_allocator | Function | Utility function that returns a array made of the |
get_coordinates | m_mesh | Function | Get the physical location of a cell center with i,j,k local indices |
get_dims | m_mesh | Function | Getter for local domain dimensions |
get_dims_dataloc | m_mesh | Function | Getter for domain dimensions |
get_dirs_from_rdr | m_common | Subroutine | |
get_field_data | m_base_backend | Subroutine | Extract data from field |
get_field_dims_dir | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the dimensions of an array directed along |
get_field_dims_phi | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the dimensions of field phi |
get_field_dims_phi_dataloc | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the dimensions of field phi where data is located on |
get_global_dims | m_mesh | Function | Getter for local domain dimensions |
get_index_dir | m_ordering | Subroutine | Get application storage directional index from cartesian index |
get_index_ijk | m_ordering | Subroutine | Get cartesian index from application storage directional one |
get_index_reordering | m_ordering | Interface | |
get_index_reordering_dirs | m_ordering | Subroutine | Converts a set of application storage directional index to an other direction. The two directions are defined by the reorder_dir variable, RDR_X2Y will go from storage in X to Y etc. |
get_index_reordering_rdr | m_ordering | Subroutine | |
get_n_dir | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the main dimension a field oriented along |
get_n_groups_dir | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the number of groups for fields in direction |
get_n_groups_phi | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the number of groups for fields phi |
get_n_phi | m_mesh | Function | Getter for the main dimension of field phi |
get_padded_dims_dir | m_mesh | Function | Getter for padded dimensions with structure in |
get_padded_dims_phi | m_mesh | Function | Getter for padded dimensions for field phi Gets the field direction from the field itself |
get_rdr_from_dirs | m_common | Function | Returns RDR_?2? value based on two direction inputs |
get_shape | m_field | Function | |
get_shape_cuda | m_cuda_allocator | Function | |
get_sz | m_mesh | Function | Getter for parameter SZ |
get_tds_n | m_tdsops | Function | Get the tds_n size based on the from_to value (and the mesh) |
gradient_c2v | m_vector_calculus | Subroutine | Gradient of a scalar field 'p'. |
gradient_p2v | m_solver | Subroutine | Wrapper for gradient_p2v |
init | m_omp_backend | Function | |
init | m_time_integrator | Function | |
init | m_vector_calculus | Function | |
init | m_cuda_backend | Function | |
init | m_solver | Function | |
init_cuda_poisson_fft | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
init_omp_poisson_fft | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
initial_conditions_generic | m_case_generic | Subroutine | |
initial_conditions_tgv | m_case_tgv | Subroutine | |
interpl_mid | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
is_root | m_mesh | Function | Returns whether or not the current rank is the root rank |
laplacian | m_vector_calculus | Subroutine | Laplacian of a scalar field 'u'. |
mesh_init | m_mesh | Function | Completely initialise the mesh object. Upon initialisation the mesh object can be read-only and shouldn't be edited Takes as argument global information about the mesh like its length, number of cells and decomposition in each direction |
mesh_t | m_mesh | Interface | |
move_data_loc | m_common | Function | |
omp_backend_t | m_omp_backend | Interface | |
omp_poisson_fft_t | m_omp_poisson_fft | Interface | |
poisson_cg | m_solver | Subroutine | |
poisson_fft | m_solver | Subroutine | |
postprocess_generic | m_case_generic | Subroutine | |
postprocess_tgv | m_case_tgv | Subroutine | |
preprocess_dist | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
preprocess_thom | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
pressure_correction | m_solver | Subroutine | |
print_div_max_mean | m_base_case | Subroutine | Reports the div(u) at cell centres |
print_enstrophy | m_base_case | Subroutine | Reports the enstrophy |
process_spectral_div_u | m_cuda_spectral | Subroutine | Post-processes the divergence of velocity in spectral space, including scaling w.r.t. grid size. |
release_block | m_allocator | Subroutine | Release memory block pointed to by HANDLE to the block list. It is pushed to the front of the block list, in other words it is made the head block. |
reorder_c2x | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
reorder_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
reorder_x2c | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_x2y | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_x2z | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_y2x | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_y2z | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_z2x | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
reorder_z2y | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
resolve_field_t | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
rotate | m_time_integrator | Subroutine | |
run | m_base_case | Subroutine | Runs the solver forwards in time from t=t_0 to t=T, performing postprocessing/IO and reporting diagnostics. |
scalar_product | m_cuda_kernels_fieldops | Subroutine | |
scalar_product_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Function | |
scalar_product_omp | m_omp_backend | Function | |
sendrecv_3fields | m_cuda_sendrecv | Subroutine | |
sendrecv_fields | m_omp_sendrecv | Subroutine | |
sendrecv_fields | m_cuda_sendrecv | Subroutine | |
set_data_loc | m_field | Subroutine | |
set_field_data | m_base_backend | Subroutine | |
set_init | m_base_case | Subroutine | |
set_padded_dims | m_mesh | Subroutine | |
set_shape | m_field | Subroutine | |
set_shape_cuda | m_cuda_allocator | Subroutine | |
set_sz | m_mesh | Subroutine | |
solver_t | m_solver | Interface | |
stagder_1st | m_tdsops | Subroutine | |
step | m_time_integrator | Subroutine | |
sum_intox_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
sum_yintox | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
sum_yintox_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
sum_yintox_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
sum_zintox | m_cuda_kernels_reorder | Subroutine | |
sum_zintox_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
sum_zintox_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
tds_solve_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
tds_solve_dist | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
tds_solve_dist | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
tds_solve_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
tdsops_init | m_tdsops | Function | Constructor function for the tdsops_t class. |
tdsops_t | m_tdsops | Interface | |
time_intg_t | m_time_integrator | Interface | |
transeq | m_solver | Subroutine | Skew-symmetric form of convection-diffusion terms in the incompressible Navier-Stokes momemtum equations, excluding pressure terms. Inputs from velocity grid and outputs to velocity grid. |
transeq_3fused_dist | m_cuda_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
transeq_3fused_subs | m_cuda_kernels_dist | Subroutine | |
transeq_cuda_dist | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_cuda_thom | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | Thomas algorithm implementation. So much more easier than the distributed algorithm. It is intended to work only on a single rank so there is no MPI communication. |
transeq_omp_dist | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_x_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_x_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_y_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_y_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_z_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
transeq_z_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
u_func | m_case_tgv | Function | |
v_func | m_case_tgv | Function | |
vecadd_cuda | m_cuda_backend | Subroutine | |
vecadd_omp | m_omp_backend | Subroutine | |
vector_calculus_t | m_vector_calculus | Interface | |
waves_set | m_poisson_fft | Subroutine | Spectral equivalence constants |