Fortran style guide¶
Basic formatting¶
Identation, whitespaces and line length are enforced by fprettify. Project settings are defined in the .fprettify.ini located at the root of the repository.
In most cases, developers are expected to install the associated pre-commit git hook. Additionally, it is recommended to configure your text editor to run fprettify for you (for instance on saving a file).
If you want to preview changes without overwriting a file, you can do so using the –stdout option:
$ fprettify --config .fprettify.ini --stdout
Note: CUDA Fortran chevron syntax is not supported by fprettify. Thus, we use !& to deactivate fprettify on lines chevron syntax is used.
call gpu_kernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(args, ...) !&
Naming conventions¶
In the following “symbol” is a catch all phrase for variables, procedures, derived types, type components and interfaces.
Symbols are name using the snake_case convention.
Variable declared with the parameter are named using UPPER CASE letters.
Symbols should, as much as possible, be named after they meaning rather than their mathematical notation (.e.g velocity_field instead of u).
Procedure definitions¶
Procedure prototypes spanning more than 79 characters should be split before the first dummy argument is defined, after the opening parenthese. If the list of dummy arguments spans more than 79 characters each argument is defined on it own line.
subroutine my_long_subroutine( & argument1, argument3, argument4, argument5, argument5, argument6 & ) subroutine my_very_long_subroutine( & argument1, & argument2, & argument3, & argument4, & argument5, & argument6, & argument7, & )
Function prototypes indicate the return object type unless the return object is an array.
Functions are always defined with the pure prefix. A procedure with side effects must be a subroutine.
Module names end with the _m suffix. Examples: module allocator_m, use allocator_m, only: ….
All module components are private by default.
The module components are always acessed through the only keyword:
module a_module_m ! Non compliant use stencil_m ! Compliant use stencil_m, only: stencil_t
Derived type definitions¶
Derived type names end with the _t suffix. Examples: allocator_t, type(stencil_t) :: s.
The contains keyword is omitted is the type does not define any type-bound procedures.
All type components are private by default.
Custom structure constructors¶
Are named like create_<type_root_name>[_<suffix>]
Are declared with the private attribute
Are defined at the top of the module’s contains block.
module square_module
type :: square_t
real :: size
character(:), allocatable :: color
end type square_t
interface square_t
module procedure create_square_from_square
module procedure create_square_default_color
end interface square_t
type(square_t) function create_square_from_square(sq_in)
type(square), intent(in) :: sq_in
! ...
end function create_square_from_square
type(square_t) function create_square_default_color(sq_size)
real, intent(in) :: sq_size
! ...
end function create_square_default_color
In-code documentation¶
The body of modules, public types, public procedures and public type-bound methods MUST be preceded of one or more documentation paragraphs. Optionally, the body of private symbols MAY be preceded by documentation paragraph.
Procedure dummy arguments, interface components and type-bound procedures declarations MAY be documented using an inline comment either on the same line directly following the statement (using the docmark !!) or on the line directly above the statement (using the predocmark !>).
x3d2 uses ford to extract in-code documentation and generate HTML pages. The syntax for in-code documentation follows ford’s syntax for comments. See (ford)Writing documentation
subroutine add(a, b, c)
!! This is the first paragraph of the procedures
!! documentation. Note that it starts with TWO !.
real, intent(in) :: a, b !! Optional documentation for dummy argument.
real, intent(out) :: c !! The result of a + b
! The line below is a regular comment.
! Make use of the well-known the addition algorithm.
c = a + b
end subroutine