Overview of the contribution processΒΆ

The graph below illustrates the general process for contributing code changes to x3d2:

digraph G {
    review[shape="diamond", label="Changes approved"]
    commit[label="commit changes locally"]

    PR[label="Open/update Pull Request"];

    Idea -> "Open new issue" -> commit -> PR
    PR -> review
    review -> merge [label="yes"]
    review -> commit [label=" no"]
    "Pick existing issue" -> commit

        review; merge

Contributions are accepeted in the form of pull requests targeting the main branch on the x3d2 GitHub repository. See (GitHub docs) Creating a pull request.

By default your GitHub account will not be able to push changes to the x3d2 repo, and you will have to open the pull request from a fork. See (GitHub docs) Creating a pull request from a fork.

Note that the whole process is driven by issues. If you found a bug not currently referenced by an existing issue, or have an idea on how to improve a part of x3d2, please open a new item on the issue tracker before opening a pull request.