Memory management

The parallel processing carried out in x3d2 requires that the computational domain is sliced into slabs along a specific direction of space.

Data slabs (instances of the derived type slab_t) hold a pointer to an allocator_t instance that is responsible for the allocation and dispatching of memory blocks to data slabs. See (API)allocator_t. Whenever data slabs are no longer required, the associated memory blocks can be released to the allocator, ready to be dispatched to other slabs or objects who might need them.

An instance of allocator_t maintains a linked list of memory blocks, which each element in the list labelled with a unique identifier:

digraph freelist {
     memblock1 [label="memory block\lid: 1"];
     memblock2 [label="memory block\lid: 2"];
     memblock3 [label="memory block\lid: 3"];

     memblock1 -> memblock2 -> memblock3;

Each memory block is an instance of the memblock_t derived type ((API)memblock_t). In addition to its integer identifier, a instance of the memblock_t type holds a 3D data array and a pointer to the next block in the list.

All memory blocks in an allocator’s list have the same size. An allocator can be created by passing in the dimension of the memory blocks:

allocator = allocator_t([32 16 32])

Given an allocator_t instance, memory blocks can requested using the get_block function.

use m_allocator, only: memory_block_t, allocator_t
! ...
type(memory_block_t), pointer :: memblock_ptr
! ..
ptr => allocator%get_block()

Note that get_block returns a pointer to a memory block instead of a copy. In practice, the head of the block list is detached from the list (pop operation):

digraph allocation {

 memblock1 [label="memory block\lid: 1"];
 memblock2 [label="memory block\lid: 2"];
 memblock3 [label="memory block\lid: 3"];
 ptr [shape=box, label="memblock_ptr"]

 memblock2 -> memblock3;
 ptr -> memblock1;

Dispatched memory blocks ban be released to the allocator by calling the release_block subroutine:

! Request two blocks and release the first one, which becomes the
! head of the free block list
ptr1 => allocator%get_block()
ptr2 => allocator%get_block()
call allocator%release_block(ptr1)

Released blocks are pushed on top of the allocator’s free blocks list:

digraph release {

 memblock1 [label="memory block\lid: 1"];
 memblock2 [label="memory block\lid: 2"];
 memblock3 [label="memory block\lid: 3"];
 ptr1 [shape=box]
 ptr2 [shape=box]
 null [shape=box]

 memblock1 -> memblock3;
 ptr2 -> memblock2;
 ptr1 -> null

Memory block allocation

If a request is made to an allocator whose free block list is empty, a new block is allocated before it is immediately dispacted to the requesting object. As a consequence the memory footprint of a program is expected to grow in early stages of a program’s lifetime, before reaching maximum where enough memory has been allocated and some can be reused.